
Dental veneers improve the appearance of teeth by covering the visible front surface with a custom-made, tooth-colored porcelain overlay.

With proper care and good oral hygiene, a veneer has a lifespan of 5-10 years.

When Prescribed

A veneer is often prescribed for a tooth that is:

  • Discolored or stained

  • Worn down, chipped or broken

  • Misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped

It may also be prescribed to "fill the gap" between two otherwise healthy teeth.

Patient Experience

After a thorough exam of your teeth, gums and supporting bone structure, your dentist will discuss treatment options with you and answer your questions. If the agreed upon treatment is a dental veneer, your dentist will:

  • Apply a local anesthetic to the affected area of your mouth

  • Remove a small amount of enamel from the front of your tooth to make place for the veneer.

  • Take an impression of the prepared tooth and make you a temporary

  • On the second visit, the dentist will remove the temporaries

  • Clean and polish the surface of the prepared tooth

  • Expose the veneer and cement to special hand-held light to harden the cement and permanently affix the veneer to surface of your tooth

Real Life Case

If you made it this far, you must be really interested in this procedure! Let’s take a look at a completed case

Case 1

A very challenging cosmetic case that involves discolored, malpositioned, maloccluded, and misshapen teeth. Experience and a close collaboration between the doctor, lab and patient will be necessary to deliver a satisfying result for all parties involved.

This case was completed by Dr. Brian L. Vu and Dr. Richard Hoang

The patient presents with malocclusion, misshapen and discolored teeth. The patient would like a new smile WITHOUT the use of braces or Invisalign. Care must be taken to preserve the vitality of the teeth during the procedure. Our goal is to completely change his smile while AVOIDING the use of root canals.

During the first visit, a pre-operative scan (impression) is taken. The patient then schedules an appointment to approve the digital/ analog wax up. After approval of the mock-up, the teeth are then conservatively adjusted to make room for the veneers/ crowns. Impressions are taken and the teeth temporized. A shade is then chosen and another appointment made for the cementation of the veneers/ crowns. It is important to note that sometimes, not all of the teeth will be adjusted at the same time. Depending on the case, the teeth may be adjusted in quadrants or arches and the veneers/ crowns, delivered little by little.

Here is the intra-oral picture immediately after cementation of the veneers/ crowns. Please note the healthy gingiva and elimination of the patient’s crossbite/ discoloration. Please note that NO root canals or orthodontics was performed for this patient.

This was a challenging case, but with cooperation between the dentist, patient, and lab, IVY DENTAL can ensure a successful case.