
A tooth filling repairs and restores the surface of a tooth that has been damaged by decay, fracture, or wear. A dental filling strengthens the tooth. If tooth decay is not repaired at its early stages, it will worsen, and additional or alternative dental treatments may be necessary.

With proper care and routine oral hygiene, a cavity filling has a lifespan of 5-12 years, depending upon the type of filling material used.


Composite resin is a mixture of microscopic glass and plastic particles that can be customized to match your tooth. The material is pliable, easy to work with, and it bonds directly to your tooth, which makes it durable and strong.

Besides the aesthetic benefits for your smile, composite fillings also offer other benefits for patients over metal fillings, such as:

  • Longevity | Metal fillings tend to break down due to temperature changes in the mouth that cause expansion and contraction.

  • Preserves your natural tooth | Composite fillings don’t require as much tooth structure to be removed for placement as metal fillings. This allows you to maintain more of your natural tooth, which is always our goal.

  • Durability | Direct bonding of composite to your tooth ensures less breakdown over time and helps make your tooth strong.


Dental bonding is a procedure that can eliminate some cosmetic imperfections, such as:

  • Small fractures and chipping

  • Irregularly shaped teeth

  • Gaps between teeth

  • Stains or discoloration

Dental bonding is a conservative way to restore chipped, crooked, or discolored teeth.  This procedure utilizes a white filling “bonded” to your tooth in order to help improve the aesthetics.  Because the white filling material comes in a variety of different shades, we will closely match it to your other teeth in order to give you a natural, beautiful smile.

Bonding is more affordable than some other cosmetic treatment options while also having the added benefit of being completed in one office visit.  However, dental bonding can stain and chip more frequently than stronger porcelain alternatives (like dental veneers or crowns).

If there are some cosmetic changes you’d like to make to the appearance of your teeth, bonding is a non-invasive and affordable procedure that can significantly enhance your smile. Our office would love to talk with you about your options for achieving your best smile.

Tooth-colored Composite Fillings

Gone are the days of having an unsightly metal filling diminish your smile! Modern dentistry has made great strides in creating durable and aesthetically-pleasing composite resin fillings to repair cavities and complement your smile. We can even use composite for a procedure called bonding that can cover and improve small cosmetic concerns.

If you would like to learn more about tooth-colored fillings or dental bonding, we encourage you to contact our office at 714-486-1822  for more information or to schedule an appointment.

If you have a tooth that needs repair or replacement, it’s a good idea to consider treatment as soon as possible to avoid further damage to your smile. Contact IVY DENTAL today for more information and to schedule your dental appointment.

Warning Signs

Sensitive teeth are the most common early warning sign of enamel loss due to tooth decay. While there could be a number of reasons for this sensation, only your dentist can diagnose its underlying cause. If a damaged tooth surface is not treated early, your discomfort will increase.

When Prescribed

A teeth filling prescription is made when:

  • The surface enamel of a tooth is damaged due to decay, fracture, or wear.

  • A tooth's surface needs to be evened out to improve your ability to bite or chew.

Patient Experience

After a thorough exam of your teeth, gums and supporting bone structure, your dentist will discuss treatment options with you and answer your questions. If the agreed-upon treatment is a dental filling, your dentist will:

  • Apply a local anesthetic to the affected area of your mouth

  • Use a hand-held instrument to prepare your tooth by removing the decayed or damaged tooth surface

  • Cleanse the prepared tooth to remove debris and bacteria

  • Select the dental filling material based on the placement of the tooth, the location of the damaged area of the tooth, and the extent of its surface damage

  • Apply adhesives and filling material to the prepared area and shape it to match the look and feel of a natural tooth

  • Expose a special hand-held light to the filling material to harden the repaired surface of your tooth


If your dentist spots decay in your tooth, it can usually be treated easily with a simple, tooth-colored filling.

If tooth decay is left untreated or undiagnosed because you haven’t visited your dentist, it will gradually get worse and could eventually reach the nerve of your tooth and result in an infection. An untreated tooth infection could lead to tooth loss, not to mention it could spread to other teeth or more critical areas of your body.

Visiting IVY DENTAL every six months is the best way for you to stay on top of your dental health and treat any concerns before they become more significant problems. Being proactive about your dental health saves you time in the dental chair and money in the long run.

Real Life Cases

If you made it this far, you must be really interested in this procedure! Let’s check out a few completed cases.

Case 1

A patient presents with sensitivity and abfraction lesions on his premolar due to severe clenching and brushing. Let’s see what we can do to get his teeth back to shape.

Procedure completed by Dr. Brian L. Vu

A patient presents with large cavitations on the cheek side of his tooth due to clenching/ brushing too hard. If no treatment is done, the tooth will eventually wear into the NERVE and a ROOT CANAL will be needed. Luckily for the patient, he came in time to fill his tooth WITHOUT the need for a root canal.

Pictured is the completed filling on his two premolars immediately after polishing. Note the accurate shade matching and smooth contour of the filling material. The best dental work is one where nobody knows you had it done! The gums will heal in one days time.

Case 2

A patient presents with staining and cavities underneath the old composite fillings of her four front teeth. Care must be taken since these are the front teeth of a wonderful female patient.

Procedure completed by Dr. Brian L. Vu

Please note the staining and discoloration of her four front teeth due to an aging/ worn composite filling. If no treatment is done, the cavities underneath her fillings will eventually decay into the NERVE and a ROOT CANAL will be needed. Luckily for the patient, she came in time to fill her tooth WITHOUT the need for a root canal.

Pictured is the completed filling immediately after polishing. All of the staining and decay underneath her old filling was removed and the tooth saved. It is important to note that the filling extends below the gums so sub-gingival polishing of the filling is indicated. The gums will heal in one days time.

Case 3

Let’s end the case series with the humble chipped front tooth. A seemingly easy case that in reality is very difficult for dentists due to the high incidence of the filling coming off. Advanced bonding techniques will be needed for this filling to last a long time.

Procedure completed by Dr. Brian L. Vu

The patient presents with a chipped front left tooth. Maybe you know someone who has this problem. Maybe you currently have this problem yourself and that’s why you’re here. Regardless, this issue can be fixed with modern technique sensitive composite fillings/ bonding. Take a look below.

The bonding of the patient’s chipped tooth is completed. From far away, people won’t be able to tell the tooth has a filling on it. The patient is instructed to not bite on anything harder than a hamburger with her front teeth if she wants her filling to last. That is good advice for front teeth with or without fillings.